About Me

I am currently a Master’s Student studying M.Sc Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence at Technical University of Munich (TUM), and expectedly graduate in October 2023. During my master study, I work closely with Dr. Xingxing Zuo and Prof. Dr. Stefan Leutenegger in Smart Robotics Lab. Before that, I graduated with honors and obtained my bachelor’s degree in vehicle engineering at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, in 2020.

Research Interests

Throughout my academic journey, I have cultivated a deep passion for leveraging advanced technologies to tackle complex challenges in 3D Vision and Robot Self-Exploration. My coursework and research experience have equipped me with a solid foundation in sensor fusion (visual, inertial, LiDAR, etc.), simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and robot perception, as well as hands-on experience with robotics.